Against the dissolution of the Collective “Palestine Vaincra!” Against dissolutions, §129a and 129b and the Codice Rocco!

In a new attack on the Palestine solidarity and liberation movement, Gerald Darmanin, the French Interior Minister, has announced that he aims to dissolve the Collective “Palestine Vaincra” at the request of Emmanuel Macron.
After the dissolution, members of the collective will no longer be able to produce or use posters and leaflets, social network accounts or the website without falling under the charge of “reconstitution of a dissolved league” which carries heavy sentences.
This announcement comes after several months of a defamation and harassment campaign by the Zionist far right in Israel and France.
It is one more example of the French state’s unfailing collaboration with the Israeli state, of its unwavering support for the colonial, racist and apartheid policies of the Zionist entity.
The dissolution procedure of the Collectif “Palestine Vaincra” comes a few weeks after the one against “Nantes Révoltée”.
It is also an example of the broadening of the spectrum of methods of repression against the revolutionary left, with an increasingly broad and indiscriminate application of “anti-terrorist” laws or with the reactivation of laws that have not been used for years. Thus, Germany has reactivated Article 129 to ban a media outlet such as Linksunten.indylmedia or a militant group such as Roter Aufbau.
In Italy, it is the reactivation of the Codice Rocco, the fundamental law of fascism, and more specifically its counter-revolutionary articles: 270 (“subversive association”), 419 (“devastation and plunder”) and 284 (“armed insurrection against the powers of the State”).
The Collective “Palestine Vaincra!” has a long-standing and close working relationship with the International Red Help, particularly through its struggle for the liberation of George Abdallah and for a free, secular and democratic Palestine from the Jordan River to the Sea.
International Red Help calls for solidarity with the Collective “Palestine Vaincra!” and all comrades targeted by the dissolutions, §129a and 129b, and the political articles Codice Rocco!
The Secretariat of the SRI
Brussels-Zurich, 28 February 2022